Why to use Vault
- To maintain sensitive data e.g. passwords/creds, keys etc.
- Version control encrypted files instead of plain text
- ansible-vault utility
How ?
- Used AES Cipher
- Symmetric Key
What can be encrypted ?
- Structured data (yaml, json)
- Var files
- group_vars/hostvars
- include_vars or var_files
- var files passed at command line with "-e @file"
- Tasks (however not very common)
- Arbitory Files
- Strings (newly added)
What can not be encrypted ?
- Templates
How to encrypt/decrypt
- Using --ask-vault-pass
- Using --vault-password-file
ansible-vault Operations
- encrypt
- decrypt
- create
- rekey
- edit
Running Playbooks with Vault
ansible-playbook site.yml --ask-vault-pass
ansible-playbook site.yml --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt
Automating Rekeying Process
new vault password file for rekey
Lab : Encrypting and decrypting with single key
mkdir vault
file: vault/api_keys
USER: devops
Encrypting file
cd vault
ansible-vault encrypt api_keys
cat api_keys
ansible-vault view api_keys
write a playbook to use encrypted file
file: test_vault.yml
- name: testing ansible vault
hosts: 'local:app'
become: true
- name: copy a file containing api keys
src: vault/api_keys
dest: /root/.api_keys
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0400
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml --ask-vault-pass
Using a password file
file ~/.vault
profile passowrd file
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml --vault-password-file ~/.vault
New Vault: Multiple vault ids and encrypting strings
create vault password file for vault id prod
file ~/.vault_prod
Create files to encrypt
file: creds
mysql_root_password: password
create copies of it
cp creds staging
cp creds prod
ansible-vault encrypt creds
ansible-vault encrypt staging --vault-id staging@prompt
ansible-vault encrypt prod --vault-id prod@~/.vault_prod
decrypt all
ansible-vault decrypt --vault-id staging@prompt staging --vault-id prod@~/.vault_prod --vault-id @prompt creds
creating individual vaules
ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id prod@~/.vault_prod 'password' --name 'mysql_root_password'